Rev. James Ip
About me
Ph.D Studies Brandeis University (majoring in Ancient Near Eastern Studies), 1991-1995;
M.A. Brandeis University (majoring in Ancient Near Eastern Studies), 1986;
Th.M. Princeton Theological Seminary (majoring in Old Testament Studies), 1983;
M.Div. Fuller Theological Seminary, 1982;
B.A. and M.A. Azusa Pacific University, 1978-1980;
Diploma Hong Kong Overseas Bible Seminary, 1975.
Served as:
Pastor of Houston Chinese Christian Church; Pastor of Virginia Chinese Baptist Church; Assistant Pastor of New England Chinese Christian Church; Coordinator of North American Chinese Congress on World Evangelization; Pastor of Hong Kong Peace Evangelical Church.
A Survey of the Bible with Sound-Study Guide (co-author) Christian Communications Inc. of U.S.A. 1990.
Academic articles:
"The Prophetic Books, Messiah and the Contemporary Christian" in The Glorious Christ and the Contemporary
Christian, in celebration of CWTS’s 30th Anniversary.
Translated works:
Beyond Futility-The Message of Hope in Ecclesiastes (co-translation) United States: Living Spring Press 1982;
New Bible Commentary-21st Century Edition (co-translation) Christian Communications Ltd..1999.
Rev. James Ip served as an associate professor of Old Testament at Christian Witness Theological Seminary in California, USA (1995-2022). He also served as Vice President from 2006 until his retirement in 2022. He is now a senior Adjunct professor at the seminary. Rev. Ip teaches subjects such as Biblical Hebrew, Old Testament books, Old Testament history and theology, and homiletics. In addition to being responsible for teaching and administrative work at the seminary, he is often invited to serve as a speaker for Sunday services and retreats in various churches, sharing Christian faith, spiritual growth and daily application of the Bible, and writing articles in various Christian books and periodicals. Mrs. Ip is a visiting nurse and engages in spiritual care in hospice. She provides care and support to patients through visits. Their two sons have grown up to be independent and start families.
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